Animation Movie Creating was Preceded by Holistic 3D Character Animation for an Animation Artist is the USA

Character Animation at BackOffice Pro

BackOffice Pro (BOP) is famous for creating character animation with vibrant colors and uniqueness, adhering to the movie script that forms the focal point of many successful animation movies. We have a decade of experience in creating strong, realistic, and eye-catching character creation. With a team of highly skilled with proficient working knowledge in illustrators, character developers, we create conceptual designs from scratch, adhering to the background and theme, and style of the project.


Meet the Client – An animation Artist in the USA

A renowned animation artist in the USA, the client, has a record of producing fabulous animation movies for his audiences.

Objective Behind the Character Animation Project

The objective behind the project was to create a three-minute animated video for further consideration to produce an animated movie.





2 months

Project cost


Client’s Challenges Until Opting Character Animation Solution form BOP

The client had a requirement of creating a 3D character animation of a small narrative story revolving around his friend and his pet. The prerequisites involved 3D modeling of both the characters, making the background, lighting, based on the script, animation, and texturing. While on the hunt for an outsourcing partner to depend on for the sine qua non, he found BackOffice Pro and our testimonies, which compelled him to tie up with us.

BOP’s Character Animation Solution

BackOffice Pro, on being awarded the project, we received the inputs from the client in the form of pictures of the two characters portraying how they look in real life. Considering the information on the character description, a team of six members, including modeling artists, texturing artists, background artists, and animators. We created the 3D modeling of the characters and shared the draft with the client for his feedback. Once approved, we put the skin on the characters matching the skin color and texture.

In the next step, we created the background, rigging to add motion to the different limbs and body parts of the character matching with the narration. The draft was once again shared with the client for a final revision post in which the final rendering was done, narration and voice-over were added, and shared the final animated video of three minutes with the client within two months. We used MAYA and 3ds Max for the whole project.

Character Animation Takeaways

The client received the character animation video of three minutes within the stipulated time, which helped him in further production of his animated movie.

Character Animation CTA

Get Realistic Character Animation for you Animated Movies

When you partner with BackOffice Pro to outsource character creation requirements, you get exceptional animated videos with real-like characters with movements, skin colors, and textures. With ISO standards, we deliver animation projects with high quality, precision, and scheduled turn-around-times. Contact us to know more about our 3D animation and other animation services and outsource your requirements.

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