eCommerce Data Entry at BackOffice Pro
BackOffice Pro (BOP), a key player in the data management space, supports the global eCommerce, retail, manufacturing, and product organizations with the data entry requirements like catalog indexing, image data entry, order processing, and more. Reach out to us to know in detail about our services.
Meet the Client – US Based MNC
The client is a major business house based in the US. It is also a leading global player with an international presence.
Objective Behind the Catalog Indexing Requirements
This project requirement was to enter and archive massive journal materials under the correct heading and using subheadings that would be considered while cataloging.
4000 ArticlesTimeframe
60 daysChallenges the Client Faced Before Hiring BOP
The client had amassed massive literature and journal material that needed to be cataloged based on a wide range of topics and subjects, ensuring the indexing of the data correctly under the correct heading. This involves the workforce and brainpower as well. There were many other factors like - relevance, specificity, completeness, probability, legibility, index layout, and subheadings – their specificity - that must be considered while cataloging. The criteria for indexing of information – chronological, alphabetical, etc. – are all equally important.
For this purpose, they had decided to outsource their indexing and the cataloging of their archive. This was necessary for the quick retrieval of essential and relevant information. Back Office Pro was chosen because of its past results in cataloging and indexing. The client also believed that our practices were in tandem with their business values and long-term developmental plans.
Catalog Indexing Solution from BackOffice Pro
We believe in providing expertise with quality, and therefore, our implementation panel consisted of technical editors, domain experts, and domain-specific engineers. We ensured a wide range of knowledge in both the expert panel and the execution team to deal with the diverse topics that the documents presented.
We hit on a solution that was both simple and time-saving. The data was first classified according to its content. Indexing was then carried out according to relevant keywords on the core matter and by personnel names. The Domain experts came in first, adding every article’s essence in extract or abstracts and by giving them relevant titles. Then our indexing experts would come in, classifying the items according to their subject matter and keywords.
To ensure the aesthetics of the project, our design and presentation personnel worked on the indexing to ensure it matched the client’s required format while being functional. Automated software was used to ensure the work was completed accurately and quickly. International standards were strictly implemented throughout every step in the process.
Catalog Indexing Project Takeaways
Our fast solutions, coupled with our expertise, gave the client exactly what they were looking for – an accurate, precise, and efficient index.
- Starting from the first phase, we were able to speed up the indexing process, from 300 to 1000 articles per week. This was achieved within 60 days.
- The client was delighted and entrusted us with their entire indexing and cataloging functions and awarded German journals indexing, which was completed within a stipulated timeframe.